About Indonesia (Most Population)

About Indonesia (Most Population)

Republic of Indonesia is a very important please not only for the ASEAN, but this country is very important to the world history as the studies on a booked called "Saphien" also stated that the historical apes or the millions years a go are moving to the island of Indonesia. 

Consisting of almost 20000 islands, volcanos, cultures, people and many ethnic group, Indonesia is a country with the most population in South East Asia. The economy of this country is also in a better destination. 

Indonesia is also the first five members who established the ASEAN on 08 August 1967. The five members are Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines. 

For more detail, let's see the below.   

  • Official Name: Republic of Indonesia 
  • ASEAN Declaration: 08 August 1967 
  • Area: 1,904,569 km2
  • Population: 267 Millions + 
  • Calling Code: +62
  • Driving Side: Left
  • Official Language:  Indonesian
  • Spoken Languages: 700 other languages (Read more on Wikipedia)
  • Motto: Unity in Diversity
  • Capital City: Jakarta 
  • Largest City: Jakarta 
  • Ethnic Group: Over 300 Ethnic Group (Read more on Wikipedia)
  • Religious: 
    • Islam (National Religious)
    • Christianity
    • Hinduism
    • Buddhism
    • Confucianism
    • Folk
  • Currency: Indonesian rupiah (Rp) - IDR
  • International Airport: Indonesia has over 673 airports. Among these number there are 29 International Airport. 
  • Tourist Attraction: Nature, Ethnic Group Village, Mountain, Beaches, Culture, Religious, Nightlight & Clubbing, Food, Forest, Animals, Countryside, Cities, agriculture, and so many others. 
  • Seasons: Tropical Climate 
    • Dry Season: April - October 
    • Monsoon Season: November - March 


- National Flag - Wikipedia 


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