Showing posts with label Myanmar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Myanmar. Show all posts
About Myanmar

About Myanmar

Located on the Mainland, The Republic of the Union of Myanmar joined Asean on 23 July 1997. Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia and Laos are the countries that has the Buddhism as their National Religious, so the people is quite similar in the way they smile and interact. 

If we talk about the traveling, Myanmar actually could offer a long stays with various of places to visit. Food, culture, people, cities, traditional, temples, river, lake, seas, forest, animals, waterfalls are all offer-able in this Buddhism country. 

Myanmar is the only country in ASEAN that its land border just next to the country that are not the member of Asean search as India, China, Bangladesh and the Asean countries search as Thailand and Laos.

For more detail, let's see the below.   

  • Official Name: The Republic of the Union of Myanmar
  • ASEAN Declaration: 23 July 1997 
  • Area: 676,578 kmq
  • Population: 53 Millions + 
  • Calling Code: +95 
  • Driving Side: Right 
  • Official Language:  Burmes 
  • Spoken Languages: Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan
  • Motto: Till the End of the World
  • Capital City: Naypyidaw
  • Largest City: Yangon 
  • Ethnic Group: 
    • Bamar
    • Shan
    • Karen
    • Rakhine
    • Chinese
    • Indians
    • Mon
    • others
  • Religious: 
    • Buddhism (National Religious) 
    • Christianity
    • Islam
    • Others
  • Currency: Kyat (K) - MMK
  • International Airport: 
    • Mandalay / Tada-U - Located in Mandalay - MDL
    • Yangon (Rangoon) - Located in Yangon - RGN
    • Naypyidaw (Naypyitaw) - Located in Mandalay - NYT 
    • Bago (Bago) - Located in Bago - 
Note: If you would like to know about the domestic and the other smaller airport, please visit Wikipedia by Clicking  Here
  • Tourist Attraction: Nature, Mountain, Beaches, Culture, Religious, Nightlight & Clubbing, Food, Forest, Animals, Countryside, Cities, agriculture, and so many others. 
  • Seasons: There are 3 seasons in Myanmar
    • Dry Northeast Monsoon: Late October - Mid-February
    • Dry & Hot Inter-monsoonal Season: Mid-February - Mid-May
    • Rainy Southwest Monsoon: Mid-May - Late October 


- National Flag - Wikipedia 
- Global Map - google map


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Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.


Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion.

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